We only had an address for where we were going to find Kurtis. So we didn't really know what we were dealing with. The place was basically a nice neighborhood apartment complex. I asked Oskar, a contact of mine, if he knew anything - perhaps how to get in, physically or electronically. All he knew is the area is packed with international corps and a lot of in-and-out traffic. Also, those in town for extra-governmental work wind up there - as Crescent Moon Tower.
We took the subway to the site, walking there and noting possible getaway vehicles we might steal later. The tabled we stole from the first site connected to the Matrix and seemed to give indications of a general location to seek. We found a maintenance man we bribed to get information on any new arrivals with serious medical equipment. He told us the room we were looking for and we headed off to the 12th floor. We tried to walk with purpose past a lounge full of suits who glared at us as we passed. I saw one nudge another and make a note of us. We went to an intersection and headed left to a locked door. Spark buzzed the intercom and said she's from Alder Tech and was verifying security because of the incident at the other facility recently. A doctor answered the door and let us in. Spark gave her a once over and saw she was of similar build and size. Then she stunned into unconsciousness her with her Narcojet pistol. Blitz and I dragged her inside and shut the door. As we went past the bathroom, there was a bodyguard sitting on the toiler - not shitting, just sitting there with the lid down. He held a Ingram SmartGun on us, almost casually. "Why don't you put the lady down," he said. "Guns in the tub." I did, walking slowly toward the tub and putting my gun in. "You next," he said to Blitz. He opened his jacket to show him he was disarming. The merc tossed a black hood at Blitz and told him to put it on. "I know guys like you. Put it on." Blitz tried to hem and haw and buy time. I looked away for a second and thought he was complying, but then he managed to cast a stun bolt. The merc wobbled and dropped his gun, then collapsed in a heap. Spark saw another bodyguard come at us from a room deeper in the apartment unit, and she fired a stun capsule at him, knocking him out cold.
We rushed to the bedroom to find Kurtis in bed. "I'm not going to resist, just make sure my doctor is able to care for me," he said. We told him we were not there to hurt him. We grabbed the wheelchair for him and found another to put the still-unconscious doctor in. We scrammed, and I suggested we go the opposite direction of the lounge on the way out. There was a corridor that circumvented that area, so we took that way. It led to a service elevator. It went down and opened to a direct access to the back way out of the building and onto the street. The maintenance man who we'd bribed earlier was standing nearby. He told us the way was clear and stepped aside. We spotted a small utility vehicle just inside the building. I told the man to act like I'd tased him as I raised the Taser at him, telling him it will look on the security cameras like he tried to stop us. I pretended to zap him and he went down. We loaded up the truck with the two wheelchairs and I grabbed the wheel while Spark rode shotgun. Blitz headed off on foot, splitting up with us.
A quick call to Mr. H and he gave us a place to meet to make the money drop and exchange of the tech.
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